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TruCUT Laser with Raida RDWorks System Tested on Different Laser Power Engraving Factory Video

QR codes are exceedingly crucial in today’s technological era. Several packaging industries will go for QR codes to in order to substitute old barcodes as fresh production information whereas several production companies make use of QR codes to scan and launch complete pages for each product.

The QR code can keep a lot of information for future use in everywhere possible. As a new way of attracting the attention of the public and one of the latest and best marketing techniques, it is gradually and progressively being used a lot by wholesalers, sellers, just to name a few.

QR codes that are precise are well sought after, nonetheless, a number of products are incapable of printing two-dimensional codes, and some products are diminutive and the 2D codes that are printed are not clear, this makes it difficult to scan and transfer information. A number of products have the ability to print 2D codes, but the problem may arise when they are not purified adequately.

The engravement of accurate QR codes can be easily achieved with AM’s TruCUT CO2 laser marking machine with an RDWorks system. The 2D or QR codes marked using the TruCUT CO2 laser cutting, and engraving is more precise, appealing, and long-lasting.

To schedule a visit for a live demonstration at our warehouse in Jet Park or Montague Gardens or to get hold of our sales team dial 060 600 6000.

Should you wish to purchase the laser marking machine online, log onto and type in ( . Prices are subject to change.

To get more information on our products and services log on to our website